As a mom of two school age children, it is a constant battle (and I do mean constant!) to get them to eat healthy. Okay, I battle with their dad too but he's pretty much a lost cause.
So I have been at war for quite a while now but I haven't been blogging about it much because I don't want to tip off their dad because 1) he's also a target and 2) he'll rat me out to the kids.
But, this time is different. This cake recipe that I made is just so good that I have to share it with you all. This has a seal of approval from my mom, my dad (who thinks that a vegetable is french fries), my kids and, yes, even Ken.
It is a modified version of a cake that my sister made with the bad, but oh-so-yummy white flour. I changed some of the other ingredients too.
Mom's (that's me) Sneaky Cake
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of whole wheat flour (I use King Arthurs 100% Whole Wheat Flour)
1 tbl. baking powder
1/4 cup flax seed, ground
3 eggs
1 (individual) cup of unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cloves
2 small jars of apple/blueberry babyfood
1 cup of powdered sugar
1 tbl. lemon juice
milk to thin out the frosting
Mix all of the cake ingredients together and pour into a (sprayed) bundt pan and bake it at 325 for about an hour.
I suppose that you could mix the dry ingredients first, add the blah, blah, blah, but that's not how I roll. Just throw it all into a bowl and mix, high fiving yourself the whole time because you know that they are going to happily eat something healthy without the battle!
For the frosting, add the lemon juice to the powdered sugar. If it's not thin enough, add a tiny amount of milk. Just use your spoon to drizzle it over the cake after you take it out the oven.
Note that you could use 1 cup of oil in place of the applesauce and I'm not sure that the baking soda actually does anything. You could also probably get away with more flax seed than the 1/4 that I used. I'll be gradually adding more in until I get in as much as I can get away with. Because I'm sneaky like that. ;)
Note the cake is on my fine china cake platter. Yes. It's that good!
So, there you go. If you make it, let me know how it turns out. Most of all, enjoy it battle free!
wilson said, My grandma would turn over in her grave if she knew that you had messed with her secret recipe....I hope you are happy. It is a great cake though isn't it. It is scary that it makes me hungry just looking at it. Enjoy
Haha. Shush. The secret is that I changed it. Her secret recipe is still a secret. Mine can be made by the three people who look at my blog minus you because you will never willingly eat anything remotely looking like wheat flour (if you know it's wheat flour - bahahahahah). LOL. Well, her cake is AWESOME but the only thing that I had was the wheat flour so that's what I used so I changed a few other things while I was at it. Your grandma's is obviously awesome but this one is a close second. :o)
PS - Now I know where that recipe came from. :o)
And, actually, your grandma would be doing a jiggy because I made the cake healthy for her grandson and great grandchildren - all without you knowing it. :up:
Damn. Now you know tho. Oh well. I knew I took that risk but the cake is so yummy that I wanted to share it. I bet if Susan made it, you'd like it. I guarantee it. I'll watch MM for a weekend if you don't. Ken AND my dad liked it (and don't tell my dad it's healthy, ok?) as did Shane so those are three hard to please folks.
Oh and you can't lie and say it's yucky just so I'll watch MM. :O)
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