Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How To Tell

How do you know when your sweet baby boy is no longer a baby? Well, a good indication is when....

1) their pits stink and you think you're going to die when they lift their arm; and

2) when you run out of socks and go into their drawer to borrow a pair...and they fit.



ginny said...

Here's where having boys is an advantage- they won't be going to your closets to borrow clothes (at least we hope not!)
I can remember many a day going to get something out of the closet and it was gone! Oh wait,that still happens when you & your sister are home!

Anonymous said...

Heehee. Your Mom is correct. My girls steal my clothes all the time!

Rhonda Sisk said...

Stinky feet comes next. Remedy is to soak in tea for 30 minutes 7 days in a row. The acid does something to neutralize some of the smell. Trust me on this one as I have a whole lot of experience with boys and stinky feet.