Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Bug Slayer

As I was coming down the stairs this morning, I came around the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. There was a huge cricket-like bug on the hall stairway. It was so big that I could see it without the lights on. Um. Ewwww.

I pondered what to do with it. It was so big. And scary! I resisted the urge to scream like a little girl.

Since Shane has been learning to be the bug slayer (and prides himself on this role), I yelled for him. He would save me from the big bad bug. I yelled that there was a bug and asked him if he could come and get it. He said sure and went and got some paper towels.

I was still pondering what to do with this huge bug when Shane rounded the corner and turned on the lights.

He saw it and said "OH MY GOD."

Then he said..."yeah mom. Dad wouldn't get that and neither am I" and hands me his one little napkin and says good luck.

Some bug slayer he turned out to be.

But he did clean up the aftermath.



ginny said...

my hero!!! He's the bug slayer as long as the bugs are little!

Uncle Cliff said...

WHAT! no picture of this giant bug?

Kim Eckhardt said...

Haha. I thought about it but didn't want it to get loose in the house. Then I would really be freaking out!!!