You all did it as kids and now is the time of year when it happens again all over the country. We use to do it and compete for ribbons. Now a days, they just do it for fun.
It's Shane's last field day. I don't think that they do it in middle school. So, enjoy the last pictures that you'll see of Shane at Field Day.
Action shot! His tounge sticking out and his hair flying really helped to propel him forward!
Pass the baton.
Leaping into action.
Shane doesn't seem to take it as seriously as the kid in front of him. Shane does, however, take it seriously when a picture is being taken. :/
Future hockey player?
His teacher joined the race. I thought that she let the kid win but after seeing her determination on the picture, I realized that the kid won fair and square. :p
PULL! They beat the girls but only because there were 13 boys and 8 girls. Fair? I say no.
One of the games that Shane could really rock at. Slow and methodical win the egg and spoon race every single time!
Boys vs. Girls.
It's a bird. No it's a plane. No it's super Shane!
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