Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Key West or Bust

Back in early December, Ken said that he wanted to get out of town for a few days.  I thought he was just saying that off the cuff but no.  He meant it.

He booked a room at the Orchid Key Inn in Key West a week before Christmas and booked the flights to get there. 

When he said he was ready to go somewhere, he meant it.  We just have two different methods of getting on the plane.  Me: old school.  Him...all cool like.  :p

And yes.  I know that was months ago but it's taken me about that long to get myself back together.  Key West does that to you!  Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip.

The only way to do Key West properly.  :)

Must visit the Hogs Breath Saloon.

And Sloppy Joe's Bar.

And Capt. Tony's Saloon for sure!

Cause it's so tastefully decorated!

And you must go to Mallory Square for sure.

And watch the street artists perform.

And catch a sunset while drinking a margarita.  For sure!

With a handsome guy.

Where else would you see a rooster, a thing of kitty liter and a bag of chips?  No where, that's where!

You have to bike to the end of Route 1.  And not fall off you bike.  You MUST do that.

And since you're there, stop by the Green Parrot Bar for a drink.  I mean it *is* 5:00 somewhere.  Even if it's only 10:39 am in Key West.

And then you must visit Ernest Hemingway's House.  I took so many pictures there, I will do a separate post on that one!

And then peddle your little self down to the southern most point of the United States of America.

And take your gratuitous tourist photo of the 90 miles to Cuba sign!

No better place to celebrate Christmas than Key West, FL!

Even Santa and Frosty were digging it.

And then stop by the Southernmost Bar for a drink.  Of course.  It *is* Key West after all!

Action shot!

Scoot over!

Best way to motor around Key West.  By far!

The essentials in my basket.  Because you MUST have a basket!

Love the view!

If you are too tired (read: lazy) to peddle the bike yourself, you could hail a rickshaw driver.  :p

Leaving you with the perfect Key West experience!  :)

Key West was a total blast!  I can't wait to go back and visit it again.  :)

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