Sunday, September 22, 2013

From My Play Book

As a teenager, I was famous for washing my clothes and then leaving them in the dryer.  I would either use the dryer as a second closet and just pick through it to get the shirt or pants that I wanted to wear or my dad would fold my clothes for me in the hopes of thwarting a war between my mother and I.

And by "war", I meant my mother yelling at me to fold my damn clothes.

All justified.

And as all other paybacks have been coming to fruition, - (thanks mom!) - I went to move my laundry from the washer to the dryer today and low and behold, Shane had pulled a play from my playbook.

After getting over the initial shock and AWE (like the skies parted and the sunshine shone BRIGHTLY with a big smiley on it's face) that he actually did his laundry, I started laughing because he pulled a fast one on me.  And I knew it.

As I had 10 loads of laundry to do behind him, I folded his stuff and made a mental note to myself that he pulled a good one but it was going to be the last time he did that.

Yeah.  Right. 

Game on boy.  I *know* THAT move.

I DID that move.

I got away with it some times.

As you will too.

But I've got my battle face on baby.

Damn teenagers.  LOL!


ginny said...

But he won't have his daddy fold them for him to keep mom from yelling!! Paybacks are hell!!!

Kim Eckhardt said...

Yes they are. :/