Susan and Wilson have the perfect property for the kids to drive the jeep and drive it they do. Unfortunately, there is just one jeep and four kids.
But...move over jeep. There's a new hummer in town courtesy of Nanny and Poppa. They were the favorites of the grandchildren. That pork chop lasted for at least five minutes. Until the kids got the keys to the cars.
Then they were off. It didn't matter one iota that it was 30 degrees outside.
They were busy chasing each other.
And, once Mary Mayken found a way to get outside with them, she was NOT going to be left out. She "wanna ride" and ride she did. :)
Every once in a while, one of them would get their feelings hurt because the other one would ride off from them. And by "one of them"...I mean Owen.
Or maybe that was when he got himself stuck in the corner of the fence and couldn't get out and I had to push him out. Right after I got my picture, of course. Because I'm an awesome mom like that.
And this last picture reminds me of when I was a teenager and riding around talking to my other friends who were out cruising Belvidere Plaza or the Mall. But these pictures look more like the wheat fields that kids use to meet in. Of course, I wasn't one of those kids. :p
And, yes. I grew up in a small town. And yes...this picture is probably a foreshadowing.
Oh man. I wish that driving a car was still this much fun and not a means to an end or a way to complete a chore. I love that they are still little enough to drive these cars - and have fun doing it!
Owen will keep up with them as soon as he learns to drive! :)
You'd think that those two big kids would have weighed down their car and slow them down. Which leads to the next question. Why were the two biggest kids in the same car????
So they could get away from the 2 little kids???
Ding, ding, ding. I think we have a weiner. :)
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