Shane rarely uses a word incorrectly anymore and quickly corrects Owen in a "I'm so smart and you're such a dumb little brother" way when Owen says these cute things.
Ken also corrects him.
Thanks, Mr. Webster, for taking the last bit of cuteness and innocence away from me. I appreciate it. :(
Anyway, this week is spirit week at the kids school. Today is dress in your jammies day so we were busy discussing which one of the 20 pairs of Mario pj's Owen should wear.
Owen: "Don't forget my flippers mom. We're allowed to wear our flippers to school."
I thought I was going to spit out my drink.
SHANE: "Mr. Freeman said that we're not allowed to wear SLIPPERS to school, Owen. Weren't you listening to the announcements?"
Of course this was done in a "I'm drool" way. And nevermind the fact that everytime I ask Shane what was said on announcements, he can't tell me one thing.
ME: "Shane, be quiet. Owen, what are you talking about?" (Honestly, I just wanted to hear him call them flippers again.)
OWEN: (Responds to both Shane and I at the same time in a screeching defensive way.) "UH-HUH, SHANE! I can so wear my flippers. Mrs. Sellman said so."
SHANE: NO YOU CAN'T, OWEN! And they're slippers, not flippers.
OWEN: YES I CAN, SHANE! They're flippers.
And, so the argument goes on.
I decided to end the argument because I have already read the note from Owen's teacher that it's okay to wear the flippers so I interject to knock Shane off of his high horse. Or so I think.
Not missing a beat, he responds that Mrs. Sellman is wrong not him.
Kids...gotta love them.
Then Ken corrected him on flippers. :(
And the best thing about Owen using the wrong words? He will defend himself to the death that he is right.
Until he figures out that he is in fact wrong. Then he will change course, defend that equally as vigorously and then emphatically deny that he ever said the wrong word in the first place.
He's so funny. And predictable.
And so am I. Here are they are ready to go to school. I think that I like pajama day at school tho. It was much easier to get them out the door!
With his flippers. Which are now slippers. Thanks, Ken and Shane!
You let him use any cute little words he wants to. Some of the words Caroline "coined" are still in our family's vocabulary. Probably the best one is "hellache" for headache! B
That's funny. But they are so cute.
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