Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learning The Value of a Dollar

Shane and his irresponsibility drive me nuts.

He never thinks two feet in front of his face.

I can't tell you how many times the phone rang at 8:45 with him on the other end saying "u, uh, yeah, mom, I forgot my _____."  You'd think that me making him kiss and hug me in the office in front of teenage girls would have made him get his stuff together in the morning, but yeah.  No.

Apparently everything is replaceable to him.  He doesn't take care of anything.

And it drives me nuts.

So when he got his glasses less than a month ago, he promised that he would take care of them.  PROMISED I tell you.

And then he promptly lost them three weeks after he got them.

So doing what any mean mother would do, I made him go to the bank and take the money out of his account to pay for new glasses.

And then I embarrassed him even further by taking pictures of the whole ordeal.  :p

To say that he was unhappy with me is an understatement.  (And for those that don't know, this is the famous "Da&el@r look.") 

That look doesn't phase me at all.  Pffffsssstttt.  You are an amateur.

Onward to the eye doctor to order the new ones AND PAY FOR THEM.

I hope he really thinks about what he could have bought with that $250.

Of course, it being Shane, he caught a break.  The manufacturer has a warranty that offers a one time replacement for $15 on the frames.  So, he actually only had to pay $250 instead of the $410 for the lenses only.


I swear to God that kid needs to go to Vegas.

Wearing his new glasses.  Ones that I HOPE he takes care of this time.

And I hope that he learns a lesson in responsibility and the value of a dollar.  Or $250 dollars in this case.

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