Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sheldon Owes Me!

Readers of my blog probably remember a few incidents where my children (okay, more than likely Owen) shared some information or taught Sheldon a few things that her parents necessarily didn't want them too. Other times, they're just plain naughty.

Sheldon is always the good one.

My kids are always the "bad cousins."

Well, not this time, mister.

This time, she owes me an apology.

In writing.

And I fully expect her to draw a picture of a girl standing there with her arms straight out with a rainbow over her.

How am I going to explain this one to Owen's first grade teacher?

And what was it that she taught Owen, you ask?

Well, she taught him that it was okay to say "ass" as long as you say "A-double-snakes."

Oh. My. God.



Susan told me that she said that but I didn't know that she taught it to the kids. However, I'm definitely going to use that one in the future!


Caroline George said...

I have laughed and laughed at this. I guess it just little boys...oh dear...all the things I have to look forward too!! Boy OR girl!!

Anonymous said...

Sheldon told me that she learned that from Shane!

Kim Eckhardt said...

LOL. Figures.

However, I've never heard him say that. And, I've never heard Owen say that. And, they've never told on each other.

Shane said that he didn't do it.

He said that she probably learned it "from her mom."

However, I'm thinking that that Sheldon is setting Shane up since he's not there to defend himself. She should blame it on Owen. That's totally believeable!

It's still a good one wherever it originated.


Anonymous said...

sheldon's mom did not teach her to say it. Unfortunately I don't have enough filter to think of saying anything but the real word.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I have to "charge" your mom a quarter for her language. You'd better make sure what she's teaching your children!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Kim...I am the "anonymous"! Becky

ginny said...

Don't believe a word Becky says! She's just a teacher that loves to try to make me behave!

Kim Eckhardt said...

Owwww. Ginny, Becky is selling you out. That's funny. Becky, would you like to be a guest blogger?! Hahahahahaha