Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Because I Said So!

Owen and his pain in the ass sidekick Sheldon are on a campaign to get a dog.

Because their RELENTLESS campaign to get stupid guinea pigs worked. 

Written report complete with a bribe.  They also had a poster board.  :D

My car was decorated with their thoughts.

Written report.  Complete with smiley faces.  :/

Owen *was* really excited to get his piggies.  He sent Sheldon a note at camp.

Just so you know, he named his piggies Peace and Harmony.

At the vet to check them out after we got them.  Who the hell takes guinea pigs to the vet?  Oh yeah.  I do.  Because my friend's daughter works at the pet store who sold them to us and she insisted that they had to be checked out.  As soon as the boys heard that, they were relentless (seems like a theme) that we take them.  The vet bill was more expensive than the piggies.  Meh.

 So now, those little stinkers are on a crusade to get a dog.  Owen has an instagram account where I saw that Sheldon had put a comment on a picture of his stupid piggies and asked whether she had started the report for a dog yet.

Ugh.  I knew *exactly* what that meant for me when I read it.

Then I came across his report.  It's a work in progress but I thought that I'd put up at least one page that succinctly summarizes his arguments.

First of all, I can't stop focusing on his use of the word "there" instead of "they're".  I mean, it's cute and all but I can't stop twitching every time I read the next bullet point.

Okay.  I can admit that #10 is really cute.

But I can counter his bullet point #11 with my very own list.

It will be numbers 1-100 and every single one of them will be...because I said so.

And I mean it this time.

They should have gone with the dog when I gave them a choice between a dog, a cat or piggies.

I love dogs but not enough to put myself though taking care of a dog.  For the next 15 years.  Because I'm sure that they'll take care of the dog with no arguments just like they do the piggies.  Not.

Yeah.  No thanks!

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