Thursday, October 11, 2012

What You Can Do Through The Intersweb

What did parents do before cell phones?  Seriously.  When I was a kid (I'm totally shaking my fist at you), when we left the house, we left the house.  There was no way to get in touch with us or for us to get in touch with our parents except for a pay phone or if we stopped by a friends house to use their phone.  It was both a good thing and a bad thing.  LOL!

So the other day, Shane texted me asking if he was a car rider.  I said no.  That we had that discussion and he better shake it to the bus. 

So he texted me from the bus and said that he made it (thank God because I was really tight on time) and he'd let me know when he got home.

Well, he called me from the house phone in a panic because he left his phone on the bus.

Of course he did.  I didn't have time to deal with this.  :/  LOL!

I told him that he lost his phone and he needed to figure out how to retrieve it.  I suggested that he call his school and have them notify the bus driver.  Then I asked him if his phone was locked.

He said no but he was going online to remotely lock it. 

I said okay.  And to let me know what happened.

He called back and said that he locked his phone and put a message on it with our home phone number and his name and to please call if someone found it.

And the bus driver called him like two minutes later.

He said that he then called the school and told the secretary what was going on and he and the bus driver had worked it out and he would pick his phone up at school.

He had worked it out all within 10 minutes of his first panicked phone call.


Technology FTW!

And I was super impressed with his ability to resolve the situation without my intervening.

Not that I could have intervened in that manner.  I had no idea that he could remotely do all that stuff via the intersweb.

Now get off my lawn.


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