Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Newest *It* Thing

The kids trip me out with their "thing of the moment."  Sometimes I see it coming.  And other times, it sneaks up on me and hits me in the back of the head like a brick.

Owen's had an interesting 5th grade year.  We all know that he wears what he wants.  Colors don't matter.  In fact, if they don't match, that makes the outfit *even better.*

At the beginning of Owen's fifth grade year.

Well.  Until recently that is.  Owen and his two best friends Ky and Connor are obsessed with Elite socks by Nike.  OBSESSED.

And their outfits have to match the socks.

Yeah.  For realz.  Shut your mouth.  Because that was my reaction too.

His socks have to match his outfit.  I'm totally wiping a tear from my eye because finally someone in the house matches besides me.

Shopping for the correct color match.

Not only do the socks have to match the outfit but they have to have very specific shoes to go with them.  I call them shower shoes.  Owen and the rest of the world call them slides.  I don't get it.  But then I guess my mom didn't get most of the things when we were growing up in the 1980's.  (I should have listened to her.  Jelly shoes *were* stupid.  lol).

But Owen had to have Nike slides so that they match the Nike socks.

Say what?

Who is this child? 

I thought it was weird that all of the sudden he was obsessed with everything matching.  Then I figured out that it was because Ky is obsessed with it.  And well.  You do what your best friend does.  I wouldn't know *anything* about that! 

Please note that the lei that Owen choose MATCHES his outfit too.  :D
Oh yeah.  He's a preteen adolescent who finally cares what he wears.

Ugh.  It's a little weird.  Okay.  It's really weird. 

However, I'm ready for the day where he obsesses over being clean and will actually take a shower and brush his teeth without being told.  Or more like begged 15 times.  Yeah.  Them wanting to be clean is the only good part of the preteen years.  :D

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