Monday, November 15, 2010



It's such an easy concept really.  It's where you let someone else know what's going on, and what you need from them, in a clear, concise, easy to understand way and within enough time so that the person with whom you intend on carrying something out or acting upon such communication can do so with as little questions as possible.

If you communicate clearly, there should be no questions about what the other person or party is suppose to do or know.  And when they don't do it, at least you know that you've done your part in communicating what your expectations are.

Well, this is all in theory I suppose.   It shouldn't be.  But it is.

Because for some reason lately, no one can communicate clearly what they expect, or understand what is expected of them.  So I guess people also are having difficult comprehending what is communicated to them as well.

But the kicker is when you have communicated clear what you expect, and it's not done, and the people who you know have been communicated with, just disregard what you have already communicated (in a very clear fashion, I might add) and then don't take responsibility when they do something wrong.

Or the other kicker, when someone expects you to do something, but doesn't communicate it in any of the 15 ways available in this day and age, and then gets mad at you for not doing what they expected you to do...even though they never communicated it to you.

And this isn't directed at just one person or group of people.  Unfortunately, it's something that I've noticed happening more and more lately.  And it's not children that are doing it.  And it's really not acceptable.

How can we expect kids to learn how to be effective communicators if we, as adults, can't even communicate what needs to be done in a clear and concise way that allows others to know exactly what is expected of them and when it's expected?

Seriously.  If you think that I'm talking to you, I probably am.

And if you expect me to do something, then you need to communicate that clearly and concisely so that I know what you want and what you want from me. Because I am darn going to do that for you.  You can be sure!

And here's a closing thought...

Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


ginny said...


Unknown said...

sounds like someone is in big trouble.