Monday, November 8, 2010


I was talking to a friend the other day about an awful accident that her brother-in-law was in that his parents found out about it when they were watching the news.  It was a horrendous accident that left their son in a coma.  So obviously he wasn't able to tell them who to all.

The police had his cell phone but didn't call any of the contacts.  Apparently they won't call a random number on the phone.  If he had had an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number on his phone, they would have called that number.

I don't know if this is universal or specific to the state we live in but it's a good idea to put that on your phone just in case.

Did you think I was going to blog about this Ice?

Although I did like his SONG growing up, this is much more important!

So remember....add an ICE to your cell phone!

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