Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Done With It

Owen:  Mom, are you ever just done with it?

Me:  You mean like over something?

Owen:  Yeah.  Like you just want to say "f" it.  (Not such a proud mommy moment.)

Me:  Uh.  Yeah.  Like all.  the.  time.  Why?  Were you done with it today?

Owen:  Oh yeah.  I was DONE WITH IT.

Me:  Done with what?

Owen:  IT.  Just everything.

Me:  So what did you do?

Owen.  Well.  I dd something really rude. 

Me:   What did you do?

Owen:  I just pushed through two kids who were in my way in the hall.  I was done with them too.

Me:  Oh.  Okay.  How did that work out for you?

Owen:  Well.  I felt bad because I was really mean so I apologized to them and said that I was on the wrong side of the hall.

Me:  Well.  At least you apologized.

Owen:  I didn't mean it.  They were just a lot bigger than me.

Me:  I know.  You were done with it.

Owen:  Yep.

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