Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On Top Of Things...Not

So I've been traveling so much lately that I missed Owen's parent/teacher conferences.  So I emailed his teacher yesterday and apologized for missing conferences (but  I told him that I had been traveling a lot and blamed it on Ken and told him at least my children were alive...lol) and told him I still needed to speak with him. He said that he still had 5:15-5:30 tonight available. I emailed him back that I felt bad that he had to stay late and I was available whenever.

He never responded so I dumped Owen (with Shane as the chaperone) over at the college for tennis and raced to the school hoping he was still there. I was kinda pissed that he didn't confirm with me but i took a chance that he would still be there. So I pulled up to the school and there were a ton of cars. At 5:15 pm. Weird right? I was hoping that the doors weren't locked. They weren't.

When I went through the front doors, there was a sign up that you didn't need to sign in at the office if you were here for conferences. I thought it was left over from when I missed the conferences. As I walked down the lower hall, I noted that one teacher was talking to a parent. I still didn't clue in that it was actually conferences. Not even when I passed the cafeteria and there was PTA stuff going on. It finally hit me when I rounded the 5th grade hallway and saw his teacher sitting in his room with another parent, with his door closed, and tons of other parents all over the hallway, that I had actually not missed the conferences.

You know, I thought that the 5:15-5:30 time that he gave me was a little weird. I apologized for being irritated with him for not emailing me back because obviously he was preparing for conferences. I confessed to him my blonde moment.
Then I decided to be the good mom, and support the kids school at the same time, and take my kids to the McDonald's spirit night.
Unfortunately, it was one day early.
I guess I should have actually read that piece of paper that the PTA sent home.  You know...the one that I made Shane go back inside and get so that the school would get credit for us going.

In my defense, Owen told me it was spirit night.  I suppose that I should have verified that he was right.
I am so totally on top of things.
God have mercy, I rock.

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