Friday, April 17, 2009

The Meaning Of A Single Word

I love listening to Shane and Owen's conversations. The conversations are even funnier when they are using a word that they really don't know but think that they do. But sometimes I sit there and wonder how in the heck they heard about such topics or words. I guess that they are more observant than I think.

Note to self: They just pretend to not be paying attention.

Anywho, they were having a conversation the other day about hookers. I know. I know. You don't need to think so scornfully of me that my 6 and 9 year old are talking about hookers. They don't really know what they are. They just think that they do.

Apparently the Shamwow guy got arrested for beating up a prostitute (aka - hooker) and Owen read it on Yahoo news on the internet with his cousin.

I'm not sure how their conversation started but I zoned in on it when they started arguing over the meaning of the word "hooker." The conversation went like this:

SHANE: Owen, you're SO stupid. A hooker is a guy who fishes. He catches the fish on hooks. Get it?

OWEN: It is NOT. It's the girl the Shamwow guy tried to kiss so she beat him up. Hookers are supposed to get kissed Shane.

SHANE: Owen, hookers aren't people who kiss. It is a guy who fishes. It's NOT a kisser, Owen.

OWEN: THEY ARE TOO, SHANE! I read the story on the internet at my cousin's house.

SHANE: You're stupid, Owen.

OWEN: I know what a hooker is Shane and it's NOT someone who fishes.

The back and forth went on for a while but Owen never backed down. Neither did Shane. And I just sat there with my mouth wide open. Because once again, they left me speechless at their antics.

If you're wondering, I didn't get into the conversation but I did ask them to change the topic. Because if I tell them what it means or show that the word is something that they shouldn't be discussing, they'll go to school saying it over and over and then I'll get a call from their classmates moms asking why my son taught their kid about hookers.

And then I'll have to explain to that parent that a hooker is just a fisherman and they need to get their mind out of the gutter. ;)


KenDC said...

Is a hooker also a sea man?

Kim Eckhardt said...


I'm glad now that you weren't around to hear...err...participate in...the conversation. :p

ginny said...

What cousin's house are they talking about? Funny that the younger child is closer to the meaning of hooker.

susan said...

Yeah, which cousins? Clarify. Not Sheldon and Mary Mayken. They know that hookers mean fisherman.

Kim Eckhardt said...

Heh. Their cousins in NJ. Johnny and Katie. Yes it is ironic that Owen was closer than Shane. I'm in deep, deep trouble with that one. :(

Uncle Cliff said...

I fish all the time and I have neeever been called a hooker LOL

Kim Eckhardt said...

Well, now you know what you are. I probably wouldn't brag about it in church tho. LOL.