Family Reunions.
You've all been to one. Or heard about one. And I'm no exception.
But really. What is the point of a family reunion? It means a lot of things to a lot of people I'm sure. Some people dread them. Some people just don't go. But others like me embrace them.
Because I get to see my cousins, aunts and uncles that I grew up with and meet or reconnect with their children. And because I get to meet new cousins and aunts and uncles that I never knew.
But most importantly because my children get to meet cousins, aunts and uncles that they never knew and get a bigger picture of the world around them.
Shane never would have known that he and his cousin Justin share a love for tennis and, for him, that made the trip extra special.
And I wouldn't have found out that one of my cousin's children has the same eye disorder and vision therapy that Owen is going through. That was a bonus for me for sure!
And definitely because the genealogical and history-loving side of me understands the significance of history and how we got here, where we've been and how the past has affected and touched each of our lives both separately and as a family.
And, whether these people (otherwise known as "my family") realize it or not, we are all here because John and Augusta Jacobs Eckhardt immigrated to America (New York City) from Germany on August 21, 1851 as a young married couple along with their two oldest children and (probably) her sister.
They are passengers 27-31.
If you can't read it, it's transcribed here. That probably would have been a lot easier to find had I looked there first!!!
John and Augusta migrated down to Phillipsburg, NJ where they raised 10 children. The youngest of which, Frank, bore a son named Daniel who had four children and their descendants and families are the ones that attended the reunion and that you see in these pictures.
But besides the genealogical aspect of it, really...what are family reunions about? They're about having fun and who knows better how to have fun than kids? Potato sack races...old skool fun!
Thanks to Mary Eckhardt for setting up all of the kids games! You absolutely rock!
The littlest cousins race head to head...and it's a close finish!
If Ken had known there was going to be poker, he probably would have skipped his continuing education class and come to the reunion!
Milling about seems to be the order of the day.
I am in at least one picture. But...that's the way I prefer it! I'd much rather be behind the lens than in front of it!
What kid doesn't love candy? Well...mine do anyway. Thanks again to Mary for organizing a fun activity. Poor little Maddie didn't stand a chance against those vultures!
The kids in this picture totally crack me up. Their parents must be so proud. *I* am proud to call them family! :) I have a new theme for next years pictures that only involves kids and their funny faces. lol
What happens when you try to organize a group picture. Hahahahahaha.
Even on a hot day in Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, we stayed cool because of the shade and the river!
Kids are so much fun to photograph. Seriously. They are the best!
Fore! Nothing better than hitting a golf ball across the river and seeing it go straight across and plunk ever so cleanly into the water. Or not. Bruce, I'm pretty sure that you owe someone a bucket of balls!
A few family shots.
Ben is 11 and is Shane's birthday buddy. :) His mom is Owen's new BFF. :)
And, yes, before you ask...there is another Kim Eckhardt! And yes...we are related. I know that scares those of you that know me. lol Actually, her name is Kimberly Suzanne. :)
A big huge thank you to Uncle Cliffy, Junie , Ida Mae and the rest of family who made this possible. (Haha. I will never call you anything other than Cliffy now!)
If you're still reading this (and God bless you if you are!), I had corresponded with another older lady (probably 80 or so) who is also a descendant of John and Augusta Eckhardt through another child. I sent her the ships manifest when I found it...and got this reply:
Dear Kim,
That's just wonderful. I don't know how you did it! I had to look at all of it and print it out, first, before I wrote you. I have just been given the gift to fulfill one of my lifetime dreams. Find an immigrant and their ship and the date. HOW GREAT!
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH and a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR to you and all your family.
Love, from your cousin, however distant or close., Jane
And that's what Family Reunions are all about! Realizing that we all have something in common and appreciating it -- even if only for a day!
It was a fun day!!
WOW! super job on this blog
Great job Kim!! Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Was great visiting with you all and we look forward to seeing you next year!
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