Thursday, July 1, 2010

Remember the Good Ol' Days? I Do!

I remember the days when it was a pleasure to go to the grocery store.

Remember those days? Yeah you do. It was when your kids were in school and you didn't have to take them with you.

Your grocery shopping bill was about $50 less and most of that $50 was spent just to get them to quit fighting and be quiet and let you get through the store with at least some of your sanity in tact!

Well, I won't say I ever *enjoy* going to the grocery store but it definitely was much better way back when the kids were in school.

And if you are a regular reader of my blog, you may remember when I blogged about my lovely children and their awesomely spectacular behavior in Costco. After searching for the post, I remembered that I had blogged about their awesome behavior at the grocery store even before that.

In one of her comments, my mother said that I was lying about her sweet grandchildren. Thank God I have pictures to prove it! And then she giggled hysterically while singing something about justice, sweet justice.

Well, I thought that this would be a good test to see if they are better behaved since they are getting older. You know what they say about pictures, don't you? Yeah. They're worth a 1,000 words.

Yes, Ginny, these are your grandchildren. Or maybe they're Wayne's. Yeah. They're definitely Wayne's grandchildren!

In addition to their awesome behavior, Owen kept saying, in the loudest voice that a 7 year old could muster, "I WANT A WOODY, MOM."

And even though I knew that he was referring to the Toy Story doll, my 12-year-old mind went another direction and I started giggling. It took everything I had to not laugh hysterically.

Especially when he screamed "I NEED A WOODY, MOM!" and two other moms looked at him like he lost his mind and then looked at me with scorn.

And that made me laugh even harder.

I mean, really. What are you going to do. I wanted him to stop saying that but I didn't want to make a big deal about it because then he would definitely say it over and over again.

Which actually wouldn't have really been any different than the 200 times he repeatedly said it now that I think about it.

Somehow I made it through the grocery store. I ended up with about $50 more of stuff than I needed and forgot half the stuff I did need but it's over for this time.

And Thank God there are only two months left of summer break. I can probably stretch out the grocery shopping to about two weeks in between if I work it right!


Unknown said...

I say we blame it on his grandfather Ken since he isn't alive anymore - I mean - why not ??

ginny said...

Oh Joan- that is too funny but the truth be known, they act exactly like Wayne! Or at least how he acted before he became a grouchie old man!!