Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As the boys have gotten older, they have developed their own distinct personalities.  But they have really always had the same basic personality traits.  It just seems to get stronger as they get older.

Owen has always been out there.  He's always been active (to say the least) and very sure of himself for the most part.  Even when he was in preschool, he was never a follower.  If he got into trouble with "that" kid, he damn well meant to do it.  He was stubborn and opinionated and very in your face.  Gah.  That hasn't changed much.

Shane on the other hand, has always been quieter in all aspects.  He is my reader.  He would much prefer to sit and read or watch TV or play on the computer than be outside.  He's never been in your face with anything and any decision he makes is usually very calculated.  It's always been more of a passive/aggressive type thing with him and it's not getting any better as he heads into the teen years.

So I wonder what they will be like as teenagers.  I'm pretty sure I know what's coming.  With both of them.  And there's 1) a whole lot of laughter coming from my mom's house and 2) a whole lot of "I'm really sowwy, mom.  Take the curse off.  Please?!" coming from my house.

But it does make you stop and think if people perceive you as you think you are or if you have a realistic perception of who you really are or what you are really putting out there.

For example, I'd say that I've got a pretty strong personality.  There's really nothing that I wouldn't step into the middle of and if I see someone getting mistreated that doesn't deserve it, I insert myself directly into it.  I can't help it.

I'm also pretty loud.  And some might say obnoxious.

And I have no qualms about giving my opinion on something if needed.  Or even if it's not.  ;)

It's the New Joisey heritage in me.  I can't help myself.

But at least I do it kindly.  Cause I'm a good southern girl too.

Well.  Unless you really piss me off.  Then it's all Joisey. 

But I think that I pick my battles better as I have gotten older.  And I've also gotten more tactful (if you can believe it) about dealing with situations.

But even though I know how I was in college and the last twenty years, it's hard to remember if I was this direct as a teenager or younger child.  Did I allow people to bully me or to take advantage of me?  Or did I stand up for myself?

Personalities are weird.  Perceptions of your personality by both yourself and others is weird.  And I'm hoping that I'm a little wrong about what I'm in for with the boys.

Cause if not, I'm in trouble!


ginny said...

At least you won't have to deal with the "monthly moods"!
Now as a younger child, you were definitely not as outspoken as you have been in the last 20 years. You were happier to go with the flow and Susan was the ring leader. That being said, if someone started something with Susan- you were first in line to stick up for her!
My how times have changed!

Susan said...

I agree with mama. You def. Weren't a bully or trouble maker. That was me. Haha. Not outspoken.. Then. Now.....

Susan said...

Not a troublemaker until Grammy came and you and your friends were in the hot tub. But I won't talk about that. Made me look good.

Kim Eckhardt said...

teehee. That is funny. Now. :/ Sorry about that. Don't worry. Shane and Owen are already into the Red Bull momma. My payback is coming. :/

So, Susan...do you really want to do some "trouble maker" comparisons? I'm just saying...lol