Sunday, April 5, 2009

The American Revolution: As Told By A 9 Year Old

Every parent has at times wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Every parent. That includes you. If it doesn't, we should trade children for a few days. I mean after all, why should I have all the fun?

Shane is doing a research project on Spying. As much as he wants to just focus on the Inspector Gadget type things, he has to relate his report to the curriculum. This year, they begin studying the American Revolution.

As part of his project, he has to interview an expert in the field of the project topic. He interviewed a gentlemen who worked for the CIA for 30 years. He is very knowledgable and so graciously spent about an hour talking to Shane (and Owen - what a joy that I do NOT want to relive!).

And as a DAR member, Shane and I talk about history a lot. Okay. I talk and he somewhat pretends to listen but I think it's important for kids to know their family history and how it's related to American history in general.

So we talked about General Washington's surprise attack on the British soldiers at Trenton on Christmas Eve. We talked about how the attack was planned because the Hessians would have been celebrating the holidays and not expecting the attack.

So when Shane was relaying the story to this unsuspecting gentleman, he took some liberties in re-telling the tale. It was sounding very good and he was relaying the information correctly. I was impressed that he actually was getting it correct. And proud.

Then he took a left turn and kept on going. Re-telling history in a way that kids would find interesting. He said that the attack was a surprise beause the soldiers weren't use to fighting on a holiday and had "gotten all liquored up to celebrate the holidays."

Yep. All liquored up.

I'm not sure where he got that from but I instinctly put my hand over my mouth. Okay. I kind of giggled. In a horrified way.

And mentally grabbed a shovel and started digging myself a hole to crawl into and hide.

1 comment:

June said...

Oh, Kim. You never fail to make me giggle.