Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cleaning Up: 6 Year Old Style

His room was pitch black dark when I went to put Owen into bed the other night so I flipped on his nightlight. I made the comment that we needed to see where we were going so we wouldn't step on anything.

Owen looked at me and said it wasn't necessary.

I asked him why not.

He pointed to a pile of toys that was shoved near the wall and said that he had cleared a path through the toys so we wouldn't step on anything at night so the night light wasn't necessary. lol

Oh well. I suppose that *is* easier than actually cleaning up your room.

Although, I do like the way he thinks. I just wish he'd use his thinking for something productive.

Like figuring out the fastest way to actually clean his room. :p

1 comment:

KenDC said...

I think this has more to do with sex than age.