Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seriously....What's All the Uproar About?

I usually steer away from politics on this blog. And that's because I usually try to steer away from it in real life. I find that most people are very opinionated about their political beliefs but are unable to listen to others opinions and have a civil discussion without getting all bent out of shape.

I've had parents at the kids school refuse to look at me since the election because I didn't agree fully with their opinion. And by "didn't agree with," I mean that I only said that I hadn't made up my mind yet.

And the fact that I'm really very middle of the road on my political beliefs probably lends itself to the lack of desire to do battle.

I can see both sides of the discussion and I have no desire to make someone else feel stupid about their opinions as I am frequently made to feel stupid (maybe not intentionally) because I'm not in agreement with someone's political opinions. I have voted both Democrat AND Republican.

But...really. This time I can not keep my mouth shut.

What is so wrong about someone telling your kids to do well in school, to try their hardest and that they are responsible for making those things happen?

Who cares who it is. The President of the United States, the President of the PTA, a teacher, a grandparent, a sibling or the janitor at the school.

What are the people afraid of who strongly disagree with President Obama giving our kids a positive message and encouragement to be successful in school and life? Seriously.

Is it that you don't want time taken away from the school day for it?

Because, if so, you should be complaining louder than the schools occasionally show Disney movies during the day to the kids instead of teaching them, thus wasting valuable educational time.

Is is that you are afraid that he's going to go on TV and tell your child that they should vote Democrat and Republicans are all Satan? Or that abortion should be legal and guns outlawed?

Because, if so, surely to God you can not truly believe that anyone who has made it to the Presidency is stupid enough (politically) to do something like that.

But if he did, wouldn't it give you, as a parent, a GREAT opportunity to have an open discussion with your child about your beliefs and why you believe the things that you do.

And if he did, would it really be so awful that your child is exposed to a different opinion or some other view point of the world?

My friend is hard core conservative and listens to Rush Limbaugh in her car. WITH MY CHILD IN THERE!!!! OMG. HE IS GOING TO VOTE REPUBLICAN WHEN HE GROWS UP!

And if he did, that would be okay. Because he's going to grow up exposed to all different opinions on things and I will have the comfort of knowing that he made the best educated decision for him.

Having children only exposed to certain opinions, beliefs or cultures isn't going to do the child any good in dealing with the real world. Eventually that child is going to grow up and have to work with all types of people with all types of opinions. Better to prepare them now than later when they enter the workforce and don't know how to compromise, listen or have a civil discussion on something.

So those of you who were adamentally opposed to Obama speaking to the kids, what did he say that was so wrong?

Does the conversation in your head go something like "I'm sorry, little Johnny, but I don't believe that you should try your best and you're not responsible for yourself. Don't listen to Obama. THAT MAN IS A DEMOCRAT!!!!"

Personally, I want my kids exposed to different opinions, cultures and beliefs. It will make them a better person for it. More educated, more compassionate and more able to deal with real life situations.

For the people who are so opposed to President Obama speaking to the kids, would you also be opposed to President Bush speaking to them?

I didn't mean to take a left turn here. I just can not understand what everyone is in such an uproar over.

You have to ask yourself what people are so afraid of. President Obama is our president and I respect the office.

But as a parent, I have much more influence over what my kids see and think on a daily basis than any 30 minute speech that President Obama gives.


ginny said...

You rock Kim!!! So True...

KenDC said...

I don't listen to the noise. I think that it is a minority of people that is complaining loudly but honeslty I didn't hear anything except for people saying what you are saying. You are in a different bubble than me. :) I mean if Shane wants to be a weggan that's fine. :p

Kim Eckhardt said...

That's because all of your friends are liberal democrats so there's really no descenting opinion. :p

And it's wiccan. Not weggan. A weggan is a cross between a vegetarian and a wiccan. Stupid spell check. lol

Uncle Wilson said...

Republican here....I think that people were upset because they thought Obama was going to push his agenda on the children in an attempt to get back door influence to the parents. I haven't heard the speech, but I understand that it mostly contained a, "stay in school and work hard" message. No one can complain about their children hearing that. They did not show the speech at Sheldon's school, but I could care less either way. If they had decided to show it I would have been fine with it because it would have been deemed educational and appropriate for the kids by their teachers. My two cents

Kim Eckhardt said...

Moderate here. :p

I understand that that is what people were upset about. can they think that he would go on national TV and push his agenda on KIDS? That's just crazy. Particularly given the climate right now. he doesn't want a backlash and certainly is smart enough to know not to do that. With kids especially.

I wouldn't have a problem with Bush, Limbaugh, Beck, Carville, Pelosi, Obama or anyone else speaking to my kids on a national forum like that. These people are experienced enough politicans that they know better than to push an agenda.

If he went on there to talk about Health Care reform, I could understand people being upset.

Or if they were being taken to a rally or some other political thing function like that, I can understand why people would be upset.

People need to use common sense.

Kim Eckhardt said...

Oh...and for the record, Shane voted for McCain in his school's election.

He wasn't disowned. Or made fun of. Well, Owen made fun of him but that's to be expected.

We asked him why he wanted to vote that way. He gave very thoughtful answers.

And we said...congratulations on a well thought-out decision.

And then Ken went and curled up in a fetal position for a few hours. lol

Unknown said...

You nailed it Kim! What a crazy world we live in when it scares people that the President (that we the people fairly elected) has a few words for school children. Do people actually think that ANY president has the power to "indoctrinate" in a single short speech?! Reagan did it. Bush 1 did it. Bush 2 was speaking to school kids when Sept 11 happened. Laura Bush spoke to many, many kids in her effort to help kids. It's really sad how adversarial things have gotten. And It is genuinely frightening when you hear "commentators" trying to scare people to the point that they are setting the stage for violence. Go girl!

KenDC said...

No, sorry I have friends from all over the political spectrum and wouldn't want it any other way.

Unknown said...

Laura Bush came out and approved the Obama speech before he gave it. She said it was wonderful for the President to give that message to school kids.
It is really sad what is happening in this country - people are just overreacting to everything. Everyone has to take a deep breath and relax.

Susan said...

Well said everyone!!! Just like Wilson I had no opinion one way or the other if she saw it. I should have recorded it and had her watch it later. In fact, I think I will see if I can find it and make her watch it...