Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Friendly PSA - Buckle Up, America!

Just a friendly little Public Service Announcement brought to you today by the unfortunate decision of a friend's brother to not wear his seat belt.

Yes. I know that it's wrong that the government tells you what to do and infringes on your rights as an American to make a decision about what is best for you. I get that. I really do.

But come on people. Be smart about your choices and don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

It's no longer "cool" to ride around without your seat belt on in the car. There's a reason that the crash test dummies "survive" car wreaks if they have their seat belt on versus the ones who don't.

I'm not making up the test results.

And neither is the government.

So instead of griping and complaining bitterly the next time you get into a car about the government infringing on your rights by making you wear a seat belt, just freaking buckle up, okay?

It's the smart thing to do.

It's the cool thing to do.

Your friends and family will appreciate it.

Much more so than having to visit you in a hospital, fighting for your life, all broken up in more pieces than a body should break into.

Come on. Be one of the cool kids.

Buckle Up!

It does your body good!


Susan said...

Seriously from working in a trauma ICU I would never forget to buckle. Person ejected versus anything is never a good thing. The anything usually wins. Buckle up America!

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