Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Fate With Pinking Sheers

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

For many reasons but one is my love for comic strips.  I :heart: them.  I have said more than once on my blog that a good comic strip can make you feel like you're looking in the mirror.  The ones that I can identify with, I cut out and save.

And my mom does too.  I somehow got and kept a strip that she cut out in 1991.

Because once upon a time, the illustrator for the strip Nancy must have been sitting in my house when I was growing up.  Watching the whole ugly event unfold and thinking the entire time that they get back to their drawling board and do the Sunday strip.

The whole ugly incident is so clear to me.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was sitting at my parents kitchen at dinner one night.  We were all in our usual seats.  Dad was on the far side of the oval across from me.  Susan was beside me and mom was across from her.

Well.  Hold up.  Let me back up for about an hour prior to that.

My sister was mad at my mom because mom wouldn't take her to get her hair cut.  She was so mad and in a fit of anger, she said "screw her.  I'm going to cut my own hair."

So she did.

With pinking sheers.

In case you don't know what those are, here's a visual image to help you out.

That's right.  Jagged edges and all.  And mom's scissors looked EXACTLY like this pair.

So Susan commenced to cutting her bangs.  But she cut them too short.  They were probably a 1/2 long. And they were all jagged.

Because she used pinking sheers to cut her hair.

So after she maimed...her hair, she was obviously upset and in tears.


/cue dark music

And that's when the real fun began.  We all sat down to eat dinner.  Mom was yelling.  Susan was crying.  The harder she cried, the harder I laughed.

And dad sat there with a stupid "what the hell happened here" look on his face.

And I couldn't stop laughing.  And she couldn't stop crying.  And my mom couldn't stop yelling.  And dad couldn't stop the look on his face.

And then my mom turned on me.  Because I was laughing so hard that I fell out of my chair.  So she nicely suggested to me that I either collect myself or go to my room.

So I went to my room.  Because that was some funny shit and I couldn't stop laughing.  (I'm still laughing thinking about it.)

And it took months for Susan's hair to grow out.

And years for my mom to get over it.  I guess that she was over it by the time that this strip came out 6 years after "the incident" because she cut it out.

And I saved it.

Because it's FUNNY.

Oh.  Did I mention my sister was 13 years old at the time?

Or that her best friend did the same exact thing a few weeks later to her hair?  With the same type of pinking sheers if I remember correctly.

Dumb teenagers.  I guess she showed my mom.  LOL.


Becky J said...

This made me laugh! I too cut out comic strips and pass them on to Caroline. I had so many "school-related" ones on my bulletin at school, my principal made me take them down! When I retired, I sent him a lot of them! Who cares if they had yellowed with age?They were still funny and appropriate.

We'll just keep cutting them out and maybe your dad has finally given up on y'all and I don't know about your mom and the yelling!

ginny said...

That made me laugh too! I bet Susan won't be laughing when she reads this.

Kim Eckhardt said...

Haha Becky. I guess you showed the principal! :p

And she's not mad. She texted me and said that she about peed in her pants reading it. Because she knows that every single word of this is true! I could have blogged much worse memories about her. I'm just

Kim Eckhardt said...

Oh and Dad gave up on us a long time ago. AND BOY WAS MOM YELLING!!!!