Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Grocery Shopping With the Kids

I love when the kids are home for break.

Really I do!

And why wouldn't I?  There's no schedules other than the ones that I self-create and no homework to make them do and no mad dash scramble to get out the door in the morning.

But, unfortunately, inevitably we're going to need food.  Like chips and chocolate.

You know.  All the things that *I'm* going to need to survive the break.

And if you're a mom, you know what that means.

Yep.  You must head to the grocery store.  With them.

And if you haven't experienced this first hand, grocery shopping with them is so much fun.  And usually expensive too.  Because you know that they are chucking things into the cart left and right when you're not looking.

But I've got my eagle eye on guard looking out for that.  If I don't catch it when it's happening, I usually catch it when I'm unloading the cart at the checkout.

Because I'm no newb.

But the best part of grocery shopping with the kids is when they try and cram their too big bodies underneath the too small cart.

And, being silly, clueless kids, they don't see the steam coming out of my ears and are just so proud of themselves. And Owen asks if I'm going to blog the pictures or put them on Facebook.

But of course I am.  I want proof for when they have kids themselves.  Or better yet...their first girlfriend!  :evil:

I guess right now you're thinking that Shane must be behaving himself because I have no pictures of him.

Well you'd be right.  Partially.

He wasn't cramming his 100 pound body underneath the cart.  Nope.  Not at all.

In fact.  I'm really not sure what he was doing.  Because he had wandered off for the 15th time to God-only-knows-where to do God-only-knows-what.  Even though he was asked not to.  15 times.

So yeah.  Grocery shopping with kids.

I :heart: it!


1 comment:

susan said...

shane will make himself fit.