Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guns and Boys

I hate guns. 

I hate violent video games that depict a bunch of shoot-em-up action.

We don't let the boys watch violent movies.  It's just not necessary.

But they are boys and boys do what boys will do and there's not too much you can do about it.

They make guns out of everything.  To you, it may be a picture frame holder.  To them, it's a gun.

To you, it's just your fingers.  To them, it's a gun.

And the noises are crazy.  Pew!  Pew!  Pew!

So I hate guns.  I guess you can see what my opinion counts for.  Check out what I found in one of their rooms.

That's right.  A double barrel shot gun.

Complete with a movable chamber for the bullet.

I didn't find any bullets but I assume that they made some and just lost them.

I don't know for sure who made this but it sure looks like Shane's handywork.

And before I get hate comments from  the NRA, please hold your fire.  (LOL)  I support the right to bear arms. 

I also support my right as a parent to not allow my children around guns or to watch shows or play games that have a lot of gun violence in them.

And you see how far that got me, don't you?  Meh

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