Thursday, March 4, 2010

Night and Day

Night and day.

Day and night.

One is Owen. The other is Shane.

For two kids that came from the same parents, raised in the same house, they are as different as two individuals who were raised by different parents in different households. Sometimes things happen that completely reinforce the fact that they have two very distinct personalities.

Their school is having enrichment classes this month. They are classes that are taught by volunteers in the community for a few days in the month. The kids get to choose their class and have to select four options.

Shane's four options were French, in case he ever traveled to France; Mythology, in case he ever studied in in school; How it Works, because it would help with his math and engineering and Sign Language so he could speak with deaf people.

Owen chose Backyard Fun, Karate, Gymnastics and Basketball. All chosen for the purpose of playing sports and getting his energy out.

Two completely different children. Shane wanted nothing to do with the sports classes and Owen wanted nothing to do with the learning classes. Nothing.

Just random thoughts and things that make you go "hum."


Unknown said...

Isn't it great that they are so their own person and have freedom to do that.

Queen of her Castle said...

That sounds like my two. I think Holden would have alos chosen How It works and maybe something about global warming or rainforests or penquins if it were offered. Harrison would have chosen gymnastics, karate and how to create explosives (LOL).