Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It All Worked Out In The End

Dear Mrs. Lee,

I appreciate the trust that you put in me to do such important tasks such as retrieve McDonalds lunches for the kids who did their reading minutes and actually remembered to write the books down and turn them in at the beginning of the year.  Yeah them!

But please don't trust me with such an important task again.  Oh yeah, it all worked out in the end but I really can not be trusted with such an important task.

I stopped by the McDonalds on the way back home the other afternoon to talk to the manager and put the order in so I just had to pick it up the next day.  Being all prepared, I figured that I would make sure that I wasn't late for such an important lunch date.

But when I got in there, it was packed with so many teenagers that had just gotten out of school that I got dizzy.  I decided against trying to talk to the manager and just ordered something to eat and got the heck out of there.  (Ordering something for myself wasn't in the plans but I'm adaptable like that!)

So I got home with about 15 minutes left in my day before Shane got home so I rushed upstairs to get some work done.  I ran back downstairs (still in my workout clothes from the morning, mind you) and started to unload the dishes when I got an awful thought and couldn't remember where I put the kids orders.

I searched high and low for that scrap of paper that you gave me with their orders.  It wasn't upstairs on my desk.  It wasn't on the counter with my keys, in my purse or in the trey in the van where I usually put stuff.

It was about 3:10 and I knew that you would still be at school and could get their orders again.  I had drafted the apology email in my head already...claiming my usual "I'm a blonde" excuse.  I decided to go back out to the van and look one more time.

Then it hit me that I had put it in a really secure spot (in the clip on my visor) and my panic attack was over.  It was right there where I had so lovingly secured it when I left McDonalds.

Surely I can't be the only one who puts something away for safe keeping and forgets where she puts it. 

So it all worked out in the end but next time before you charge me with such an important task, please give me a copy of a copy of whatever it is that you need from me.  I'm not responsible enough for the originals.  Deal?


Teacher in the middle said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! You crack me up!

Anonymous said...

YOU are hysterical! P.S. it was a difficult task and it all worked out PERFECTLY!

Paulah ;)

Kim Eckhardt said...

Haha. The only thing that I remembered on the order was YOUR No. 2 WITH a regular coke. So at least you would have gotten yours. :p