Friday, January 21, 2011

Boys. Sheesh.

Getting into the van last night, Ken says "Owen opened up a new can of your tennis balls because he liked to hear the way it sounded when the air came out of the can." 

Me:  Really?  Seriously?  Would you please tell them not to mess with my balls?  BOYS!  DO NOT MESS WITH MY BALLS AGAIN.  :mad:

Then Owen, Shane AND Ken all start giggling.  :rolleyes:  

And the giggling and subsequent remarks continued on for at least another 10 minutes.  :-|


Boys.  Sheesh.


Teacher in the middle said...

The other day I was teaching my GT Math class and these two boys were laughing so hard it was crazy! They were totally disturbing the rest of the class. Oh, and did I mention that one of those boys was MY SON? anyway, after an appropriate butt-chewing and separating the boys, I get in the car with MY SON. He says "Mom, I gotta tell you what made me and Hunter laugh so hard. He kept touching my notebook. I had my pencil pouch on there and he kept almost knocking it off. So I finally said 'Stop touching my junk!' and that just sounded so wrong. We couldn't help it."

Boys. Sheesh.

Kim Eckhardt said...

tee-hee. You said junk. ;)

Boys. Sheesh.