Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Opposite Directions

No matter what it is, no matter how big or small, if you ask Owen and Shane what they want, it will ALWAYS be the opposite of what the other one wants to do. ALWAYS. Bank on it.

I'm thoroughly convinced that it's a diabolical plan on their part to drive me absolutely insane. They can't agree on anything - where to go for dinner, what to have for lunch, what they want for snack. You name it. They want the opposite of each other.

Usually it's manageable but if you don't keep on eye on them, they will split in two directions and you'll lose one of them before you can blink. Again, because they never want to do the same thing.

I took them to Funland (which is only fun for the kids by the way.) If you want to lose your kids, it's the best place to take them. And, for the record, I did not lose them. Nor did I want to. On that particular day anyway. ;)

So, I snapped this picture of them in the playground. When I got it back, I started thinking that it was really a metaphor for life with them. Always choosing the opposite way from the other one.

It also got me to thinking that there are two paths for them. One will take one way and the other will take another and however they get there is how they get there. Neither is wrong. It's just a different way to get to where they're going and they'll (hopefully) choose the path that is right for them.

Of course, every once in a while they could throw me a bone and choose the same thing. Even something as small as what cartoon they want to watch. That would be just dandy and one less fight to referee.


ginny said...

This is different than you & your sister????

Rhonda Sisk said...

My boys are exactly the same way. Rick and I tried separating them before asking questions, especially involving food choices or activities. We come back together and compare the notes. It is kinda freaky though that they really always do choose opposites even when separated. We genuinely thought they were just trying to be difficult and found they are just different.