It took her about a year and a half to allow Ken the honor of hugging her.
But, there is a secret to getting Mary Mayken to acknowledge you.
It's called bribery.
It worked for Ken.
First, he offered her the Lays potato chips he was eating.
She started warming up to him.
Then, he offered her the cookies he was eating.
Then she was his Best. Friend. Forevar. BFFs.
Sometimes she even prefers him now. (He can stop with the bribery now. It's worked.)
So, Susan and I and the kids (all of us!) went to my parents this summer and Mary Mayken is deftly afraid of my dad.
I told him the secret.
Shane backed me up.
He balked at first. Said he wasn't going to resort to bribery.
And then gave in. Probably because he got tired of her screeching and running whenever he came within 10 feet of her.
First he offered her some cookies.
Then some ice cream. (Okay, he didn't want to part with that but she wouldn't leave him alone!)
Then it was his drink.
Now, they are BFF too.
I guess he didn't think about the fact that by offering her the tea, he has now sucked her into an Eckhardt family tradition.
Just grab the first unmanned drink that you get to.
It's yours if it's unguarded. :)
Another pork chop. Works every time.
Haha. Dad had a pork chop too and now he can not deny it. It's in print and in photos. LOL
Dad actually laughed but when he read the next blog- he asked if he was chopped liver! :)
Oh, man. That is awesome. My sister was much the same way. When she was a kid, she would tell you anything you wanted for the price of a McDonald's cheeseburger.
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