Friday, November 7, 2008

Fall According to Owen

Owen is really trying hard to learn to spell. To say that he's a phonetic speller is a huge understatement. I love to read his writings though. It gives me great pleasure to see how much he is improving and growing as a student and he's really "getting" the ideas.

Okay, frankly, sometimes I just giggle because of how long it takes me to figure out what in the heck he is writing about.

During his parent/teacher conference, his teacher and I were discussing his writing. Obviously he needs to work on his penmanship.

Let's take a look at his writing about the Fall. His teacher told me before she handed it to me that she had discussed it with the other first grade teachers before grading it to make sure that it was a fair grade.

She said if someone just looked at it without really reading it, there was no way that they would have given it anything but a 1 (the equivalent of a D/F.) The spelling is terrible and it's hard to read.

But, once you figure out what he's saying, the writing structure is there. He composed a well thought out paper. First grade style of course. He got a 3+ on it which is the equivalent of a B+ or A-.

So, I present to you, Owen's master piece about Fall.

But instead of telling you what it says, I will let you live my life for twenty minutes (because that's how long you will stare at it trying to figure it out!) Click on the picture to enlarge it.

I will put in the comments what it says.

Have fun deciphering it!


Kim Eckhardt said...

Days get shorter. Nights get longer. Because it is fall. The sun turns orange because it is fall.


ginny said...

I'm so proud! I can read Owen's writing! Took a while but I figured it out! YEA Nanny!!

Anonymous said...

I got it! :)

Kim Eckhardt said...

Y'all are good. Real good. :up:

Anonymous said...

I got it too.

From a smart person who can't spell either.