Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's That You Say?

As a parent of a smaller child, you never know what's going to come out of their mouth. Or when it's going to come out. But you can be sure that it's usually at the most inappropriate time or place.

At that point, you have two options. 1) Beg off that you have to go to the restroom and then scamper off as quickly as possible ignoring the child. or 2) Tell them to stop and risk them questioning you (in the loudest, highest voice possible of course!) as to why you should stop.

And with Owen, you know that if you choose option 2, that he is going to protest. Loudly.

And, at tennis today, Owen pulled a good one. Yes, folks. That's right. Because that's the way he rolls.

During tennis, I told him that he needs to focus and stop playing with the other boys. One boy in particular. I'm not sure how Owen always finds the "one" kid but he does. You know - the kid who throws balls at the instructor and makes a gun out of the racket.

But Owen was trying to be good. He really was. But like a moth drawn to a light, Owen is drawn to "those" kids.

So I reminded him again when he was on break (out of earshot of the other parents of course!) About 10 minutes later, he came over to the courtside and yelled "I'm trying mom but these kids are BAD and they are distracting me!" And he goes further into detail with what they are doing. Not him. But them.

In front of the other parents. And the bad kid's mom. Meh.

He kept on and on and getting louder and more animated as he went so I asked him to come over and talk to me. At this point, he had to be corrected but I could not slam the other kids. So...I told him that he has no control over other kids but he does have control over himself and he needed to work it out.

But, I really wanted to agree with him and tell him that I totally agreed that the boy was a brat but I took the adult road instead.

But, of course, as he's walking away, he yells again that they were bad.

Heh. I know. Owen calling some other kid bad. That's irony in it's finest really. you go mom and dad. Another payback in your win column!


ginny said...

I'm not laughing too loud!! It's one of the joys of being a parent, laughing at the paybacks..

Anonymous said...

Heehee. Gotta love 'em (so you don't kill 'em) :D

Kim Eckhardt said...

As we were leaving the lesson, Owen started singing Shout At The Devil by Motley Crue at the top of his lungs. Did I mention that all of the kids in his class attend a Christian school? :/

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Those people probably don't even know what shout at the devil is. hahahahaha.