Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where's My Head?

When the boys got home yesterday at 4:00, I had to get them organized and get them right back out the door to get Owen to tennis at 4:30. This is no easy feat considering all they want to do is raid the fridge and watch toonies.

Owen, get out of the fridge!

Owen, get dressed!

Shane, get something to do while Owen's at tennis!

Shane go pee! Owen go pee!

Owen, get out of the fridge!

Owen, get dressed!

And, so forth and so on until we finally head out the door at 4:20 or so.

At this point, I remind both of them to get their coats. It's 20 degrees outside after all.

I go to get into the car and realized I had forgotten my purse and I handed Shane the sales flyers that I intended to read while he was in class and let the seat up to buckle Owen's seatbelt. I intended to go back and get my purse after buckeling Owen up.

I again asked Shane where he saw my purse. He said it was on the counter.

As I am getting ready to buckle Owen's seat belt, I looked down and saw my purse.

It was in my hand. I swear I'd lose my head if it weren't attached.

Now, stop laughing because I know that you've done something stupid like that before. Sunglasses on the head anyone? Anyone?

So we raced to the tennis center. We get in there and realize that Owen has a week break and doesn't really have tennis.

Haha. Another blonde moment or two.


ginny said...

Was that what is called a dress rehersal???

Kim Eckhardt said...

Yeah. We'll go with that. lol

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back and that it is business as usual. We'll just call it"OPERATION CHAOS"
Been there & done that.

Patrick said...

I've been known to mumble "where's my cell phone" while getting ready to leave the house and talking on the phone at the same time.

Queen of her Castle said...

I have done the same thing with my cell phone. Yep, it's called getting old.


Kim Eckhardt said...

Well, I would have agreed with you yesterday but today Owen went into the pantry, came back out and said "what was I looking for?" lol