Thursday, March 19, 2009

CRS of The Brain

Have you ever gone to get something from the pantry and forgotten what it was that you went to get?

Then walked back to the stove to continue cooking - all the while hoping that you eventually remember what it was that you needed. Then *bing* you remember and head back to the pantry to retrieve the item.

Then get there and forget what it was again.

Or, have you ever went to the grocery store, paid for your items and then walked out without them?

Raise your hand high if you have done this or something similar. You. Out there. I'm talking to YOU. Yes. You. Stop looking around. *I* know.

I started thinking about this the other day when I went to pick up my dry cleaning, paid for it and turned to leave when I heard the clerk say "Miss...your dry cleaning."

I spun around (because I was already at the door and halfway out), walked back and got my dry cleaning and, looking at the ground, said "oh yeah. Thanks." Of course there were at least 3 other people there. All staring at me.

While I thought that they were shaking their heads with disgust for my stupidity, they were probably just happy that it was me instead of them.

So, if you haven't raised your hand high yet acknowledging that you have had a "senior moment" like these, you're either lying or in denial. Or have forgotten.

But bad thing is that I'm not even a senior yet so I can't even claim senioritis. I suppose I could blame it on in Can't Remember *Stuff.* Yep. That's it. CRS of the Brain.


Anonymous said...

I suffer from C.R.S**t real bad. Like what am I doing here?? Welcome to the club LOL

Anonymous said...

Where are my cards???!??

I've fallen victim once or twice. ;)

Anonymous said...

Some woman chased me out of the grocery store the other day. Worse, I had to ask her 3 separate times what she had said.

Apparently, I forgot my eggs. :|

I thought about you. ;)

Kim Eckhardt said...

Heh. We are one. ;)

Where's my phone?!