Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Derailed By Another Blond Moment...Doh

I hate it when I actually think ahead about dinner (like more than five minutes before we're suppose to eat) and actually have everything thawed out and am derailed by a blond moment. But the really bad thing is that I have absolutely no one to blame but myself since I'm the only one who cooks in the house.

So, now my yummy grilled chicken salad is going to be baked chicken since I forgot to turn off the gas grill last time I used it and all of the gas drained out of it. Doh. I'm such a blond sometimes.

But, I guess I should be happy that I could even bake it since half the time my wacked out oven doesn't work. Unfortunately, I've got to head out the door to after school activities which will keep us out until 7:00 so there was no time to do anything other than throw it in the oven and just cook it.

I so need a chef. And a personal assistant to go behind me and stop the blond moments before they happen.



Anonymous said...

I'll be your chef but I don't know about your personal assistant. I might lose something important and find it weeks later in my pocket. ;)

Kim Eckhardt said...

I'm willing to take a chance on you. Anyway, I'll know I'll know where to check if I lose something - your pockets. Or mine first. ;)

We got pizza. lol.