Monday, March 30, 2009

What A Weekend!!!!

I guess that I shouldn't have complained about not liking cherries and having a ruined weekend. I suppose strept throat isn't that bad when you consider what else could happen. I guess that I challenged the gods when I complained and they showed me just whose boss. And it's not me.

And just how bad was our weekend? Well, I'll put it this way. There wasn't much time for a pity party for my strept as Shane, Owen and I are all still sick at home. Happy Monday! Owen started vomiting on Saturday afternoon (at the Y with Ken no less) and didn't stop until late Saturday night.

Instead of feeling sorry for him and snuggling him, I should have stayed as far away as possible because I got what he got on Sunday night. Then Shane woke me up at 5:45sick this morning and hasn't stopped yet.

So the next time I complain about being sick, please remind me that it could be worse. And, once again, on a Monday no-less, I'm flipping it around and reversing it. Looks like Shane will be home tomorrow too. Cross your fingers, toes and everything else that Ken doesn't get this stupid virus.

Oh well. At least I have the rest of the week to get caught up. Oh. Wait. No I don't. They're out of school on Friday.



June said...

Oh man. :( I'm so sorry you guys are all sick. That is no fun. I hope you all get better quickly!

ginny said...

What's that old saying- be careful what you wish for???? Sorry you are all sick and the bad thing is you'll lose 5 lbs but it will find you again by the end of the week!

Kim Eckhardt said...

I didn't lose my appetite unfortunately. I craved junky food but damnit I don't have any. Big Meh.

KenDC said...

sadly, I think it is not if but when. :(

Kim Eckhardt said...


You have about a two hour window after your tummy starts hurting. I'm just sayin'...

Queen of her Castle said...

That really stinks. Hope you all get to feeling better. Good news is that winter is just about over and wit it usually go the killer germs that cause all these wonderful colds and such.

Anonymous said...

Yep-Ken should drive to work for the next few days so he doesn't get stuck on the train barfing. ewww.

Kim Eckhardt said...

Ken won't be going to work for the next few's a family affair...