Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Didn't Ask For The Cherry

Did I ask for a cherry to go on the top of my sundae? No. I don't even like cherries. But I didn't particularly enjoy the sundae that I was served this week either. I'd like a do-over, please.

The weekend was suppose to be my reward for having to cancel last weekend's plans due to Owen barfing all over my car on the way to DC. It was also suppose to be my reward for dealing with the hand that was dealt to me this week.

But instead, I got strept and had to cancel all of my plans for this weekend. Figures.

But, at least the kids have been good. Owen came into my room last night and, in his sweetest little six year old voice, said that he brought me a glass of cold water WITH a bendy straw so I didn't have to reach far for a drink. He then proceeded to ask if I wanted a drink. Of course I said yes.

I shrudder to think about how he got that bendy straw considering that it was in the cabinet on the top shelf.

Oh well. I guess I'll do what the doctor ordered and chill out. Shane said that he didn't understand what the problem was because it's easy to just lay around doing nothing.

Apparently he doesn't know me very well.

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