Monday, June 30, 2008

Field Day Memories

Do you remember field day when you were a kid?

I do.

I loved the potato sack race.

And the three-legged race where you would tie one of your legs together with your friend's leg (usually using your dad's tie) and race down to the end.

We also had the egg toss which was always messy - they don't do that one now. Probably because of liabilities with salmonella or something.

Anyway, this year was the first year that I've been able to go to the school's Field Day. Because I always had Owen and couldn't go. Here's a few pics from it.

PULL, Shane!

Note Shane's shoeleses foot. He said that it flew off but he didn't stop to get it because they needed to win. ;)

I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to have field day in the middle of June in Virginia. It was HOT!

The little kids ran around the hurdles rather than jumping them. Half of them missed the hurdles completely though and just ran straight down the field. LOL.

This was a cool one. The kids had to work as a team to move the "skiis" to the end.

Not a bit of water spilled out of the cups. NOT.

Hoola-Hooping gone mad.

Steady now!

The PE teachers did a great job of setting up the field day. Thanks for all of your work, Mr. E and Mrs. S! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing I got from Sheldon's field day is reprimanded by her teacher for telling Sheldon she could get some water from the stroller. Truly I think she didn't like me too much. Oh well. I didn't like her. Ha.