Monday, June 9, 2008

Help, Mom! AHHHHHHH!

The other day, Shane and Owen came screaming downstairs yelling that they couldn't go to the bathroom because there was the biggest bug that they've EVER seen in the bathroom. "MMMMMOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM, HELP!"

So, I'm thinking ewwww but tell Ken I'll be right back (tee-hee) and go upstairs to slay the giant bug.

This is what I see when I get up there.

It was ugly but it certainly wasn't the biggest bug I'd ever seen. The children obviously haven't spent enough time in South Carolina where they could saddle up the Palmetto bugs and ride them to school.

Those are BIG bugs.

Secretly, I was relieved that it wasn't really the "hughest bug they'd ever seen!"


ginny said...

Isn't it funny that they yelled for mom instead of dad? Course we both know Ken & bugs! Don't call him!!! Especially if it's a spider...

Anonymous said...

Palmetto bugs and cock a roaches...Ah yes...the joys of southern living

Queen of her Castle said...

Ewww, that is a nasty bug. But seriously it doesn't hold a candle to our cockroaches/palmetto bugs. Those are some seriously nasty bugs.
