Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Little Old Man's House

"Go to the little old man's house and go straight. You know the one. Where the old man sits in the rocking chair with his dog and waves at everyone."

If you're from Anderson, you probably know where I'm talking about without me saying anything else.

He was a landmark in the area. Everyone knew of him. And, everyone waved at him when they drove by his house. Even though they didn't know know him. His house was basically a shack but he seemed so happy to sit on his porch with his dog and wave at people.

I doubt that he realized that his house was a landmark that was used for directions.

I didn't think it was weird until I took Ken home with me in college and my dad was giving me directions to go somewhere. The conversation went something like this:

ME: "Dad, how do I get to xxx."

DAD: "Go by the little old man's house and go straight..."

ME: "Okay, dad. Thanks for the directions. I know exactly where I'm going."

KEN: "Say what?"

Ken thought that it was so weird how we gave directions. I think that the African American church was also part of those directions as well as local egg farm.

It got me to thinking that one the big differences between city and country is the way we give directions.

In the country, it's all by landmark.

In the city, it's by road number and signs. (Because if you don't pay attention to the roads, you're going to end up somewhere you don't need to be.)

Ken also didn't like driving in the country because of the roads (where the road runs into the grass with no real shoulder.) Okay...maybe I didn't like him to drive in the country.

And, I certainly didn't like driving in the city at first. I'm sure that I ran more red lights than I care to remember (since there are ones on every corner) and I know that I got lost more than one time near the Capitol. And, I know he didn't like me to drive in the city.

But, back to the little old man. I miss seeing him wave. He was always on the porch. You could count on it. I'm sure that he's long deceased by now. God bless his heart. :)


ginny said...

Susan used to worry about the "old Man' if he wasn't out on the porch!
We still use directions for landmarks that are no longer there! Or talk about houses that used to belong to so & so. You know- Thrasher's old house or Vermillions old house! Thanks for the memories.

Anonymous said...

OMG...KIM...where did you get a picture of MY house.....oops sorry...my roof has moss on it...LOL...and wash is hanging from the poles in the back yard

Caroline George said...

This post couldn't not be more true! I wish all directions were by landmarks..even the ones that aren't there anymore!
Your Mom said I loved this post because I could so relate...so true!!! Thanks for a smile!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I have forgotten his name. Dickie King would know. Ha. I also worried about his dog having food. I wonder if that house is still there? I hate the city driving but don't mind a bit in the country. Just watch out for the deer.