Friday, October 10, 2008

Want V. Need

Want vs. need.

It's simple to understand really.

So simple that Owen studied it in kindergarten and he seemed to have gotten the concept pretty good. Well, in theory anyway.

Let's break down what he learned.

A need is something that you...well need to survive. Food. Shelter. Love.

A want is anything that you want to make your life easier. Food is a need but Filet Mignon is a want. A video game is a want. A new camera lens is a want.

It's something that I've really been thinking about a lot lately - way before the current credit crisis gripping the country. Our children are so spoiled that they don't have a clue what it means to want for anything or be hungry and they do not appreciate anything.

When Owen screams "I'm huuuunnnnnnngggrrrryyyyy" mom" my response is that no he's not hungry. He just wants to eat. Kids in 3rd world countries are hungry. He is not.

As I was cleaning out their basement toys a few weeks ago, it made me really sad. And mad. I was picking up their $50 games off of the floor (because that's where a $50 game belongs) and matching them with the proper cases.

I had a drawer full of empty disks at the end.

They're response? "Sorry mom. We don't know where they are." I'm not even sure that they looked up from their cartoon when they answered.


So...back to the want vs need.

The thing that I have noticed about this financial crisis is that the only thing that everyone (from the President of the United States) on down has talked about the fact that there is a credit crisis.

People can't get credit so they can't spend money.

I also hear how much debt the United States is in with China. 700 billion dollars. Let me repeat that. 700 BILLION dollars.

Um. Hello.

What happened to the "live within your means" philosophy?

What happened to the "don't spend more than you can afford" philosophy?

Or how about the "it's okay to say no" philosophy?

There is only one politician out of this whole thing that I have heard even mention personal responsibility. And, as much as I disagree with her, Sarah Palin hit the nail right on the head when she said that people need to take personal responsibility and live within their means.

Maybe if they did, things wouldn't be in the shape that they are.

And that goes for the United States of America too.

Well I guess that we must learn a lesson from this. ALL of us. Adults. Children.

And, yes...even the United States of America.

Want vs. Need. It's a simple concept really.

Buy the things that you need.

Save for the things that you want.


Kim Eckhardt said...

Wow. I didn't mean to rant on and on...

Anonymous said...

Well I want to stay home from work tomorrow, but I need to go to work. Sigh. I guess I will go to work. Sigh.

Kim Eckhardt said...

You WANT to stay home but you NEED the money. Suxs when they don't meet in the middle. Sorry, girl! :*(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Couldn't agree more!
Luv ya,