Monday, October 6, 2008

Well...Obama Lost The Youth Vote

Surprisingly, the conversations with Shane and his friends have centered around the election. They have been talking about who they are going to vote for. Never mind that most of them are at least 9 years away from being able to vote.

I bet that the pollsters didn't factor losing or winning the elementary school vote into their calculations.

The other day, Shane and I were discussing the campaigns and what this election means. He started telling me that none of his friends were going to vote for Obama.

I asked him why.

He said that if Obama gets elected, he's going to have Spongebob SquarePants canceled.

Trying to stifle my laughter, I asked him what in the world Obama would want to do that for.

Shane said that Obama didn't like Spongebob because it reminds him of the Iraq war so that is why he will cancel it if elected.

I told Shane that's not quite right.

He wouldn't cancel Spongebob because then he would lose the youth vote.

Maybe the Simpsons except then he would lose the dad vote.

Okay. Definitely South Park. Yeah. That's it. Because no one could come out and support South Park and still get elected President.

Where do these kids come up with this stuff?


Anonymous said...


ginny said...

I guess that's how rumors get started! Pretty soon we'll be getting an email about Sponge Bob being canceled!

Queen of her Castle said...

Oh funny. You gotta set that boy straight.
