Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Done Old Skool

Happy Halloween!

As I was looking through some old pictures, I came across this little gem. Halloween circa about 1978 or 1979. When costumes were homemade. And creative.

Presenting: Kim the Alien.

I remember this costume and I remember my mom telling me numerous times to sit still while she tugged and pulled on my hair and twisted it into tin foil.

And, now I'm wondering if my mom was doing this to me while she had a gin and tonic in her hands.

And giggling hysterically that I fell for this and allowed her to do this to me.

And then taking me to the school carnival dressed like this (because that was when people weren't so politically correct and you could still dress up for the school carnival.)

Oh well. I think that I won the costume competition that year. If I didn't, I was robbed!

Thanks, mom.

And thanks for capturing this on film so you can forever remember what you conned me into doing.

Happy Halloween! And don't forget to take pictures of your kiddies this year.

It is perfect future blackmail material.


ginny said...

I ROCK!!!! Wanna do it again? It won't hurt too bad.....

Anonymous said...

OMG. I don't think it was a gin I think it was something she was smoking. hahahahaha. Thank god I was the gypsy. Really, what was Ginny thinking?

Anonymous said...

forgot to comment on the paneling and the green and gold floor. Nice.

Kim Eckhardt said...

What - no comment on the blue and yellow striped tube socks that mom made me wear under my light pink tights? hahahahahahaha

ginny said...

You two were so abused! Poor things!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I forgot to comment on the socks. Of course I did notice them. They were soooooo cool. hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha

Anonymous said...

If I had known you then, I would have protected you!!!! Becky J

Kim Eckhardt said...

If you would have known us then, mom would have asked you to hold her gin and tonic while she pulled my hair into those ridiculously awesome alien pointy thingeys. And you would have did it. ;)

I just wish that I had a daughter to do this to.

Hey...wait, wait, wait. We have Sheldon. And Mary Mayken. Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking for next year? ;)

And, Shane if he continues to not let me cut his hair. lol.

Queen of her Castle said...

LOL! That was a great one. I am wondering who came up with the whole alien costume? Oh and glad ou clrified what you were. I thought ou looked a lot like the punk rocers of today. Just missing a few piercings.
