Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Unintentional Gotcha

Once in a while I'll video tape the kids doing stuff and not realize what really happened until I go back and look at it. Those are the best videos!

Listen carefully at the end to Mary Mayken and Wilson's exchange. Ken and I were rolling laughing. Too funny.

Evidentially, Mary Mayken thinks that she's in charge. But I guess that Wilson showed her because he never fell down. LOL.


ginny said...

I guess I didn't hear that on the original either- I was standing right behind you. Funny

Anonymous said...

That's hysterical. She is only two and has it all figured out. What is that under on you tube?

Teacher in the middle said...

That's really funny! I know we're not supposed to laugh at stuff like that, but that girl is SMART! :)