Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What A Morning

Yesterday morning was a fun. It's awesome to have such a great start to the day.

I went to start the car and came back inside to find Shane with a bloody face and Owen with a huge red mark on the side of his face. They were both mad and started telling (ie - yelling at me) about what the other one did.

I never did figure out what the fight was about. I didn't care really. As Bill Cosby would say...I just wanted peace and for them to stop yelling.

They got a good talking to (much like the ones that my mom use to give to Susan and me I'm sure) and lost their video games all week.

And - the worst part - they had to hug and say they're sorry and they love each other. I know that was the worst part for me when I fought with Susan. I pulled that right out of the bag of mom tricks. Hope you don't mind, Ginny!

I can see my future. And it's not pretty. I've never seen them fight like that before. Ugh.


ginny said...

Isn't it fun? I was hoping you wouldn't see this side of having 2 children!

ginny said...

Where's the picture???

Kim Eckhardt said...

I almost took out my camera and started snapping pics but then decided not to because I didn't want them to think that i was amused by their fighting. They went to school like that. I wonder what their teachers thought. Shane told his teacher that he got into a battle with his brother. :p

Queen of her Castle said...

Oh dear. I am waiting for that day with my boys. So far it's mostly words, no fists. and I love th "hug and makeup" punishment. My mom used that on me and my brother.


Anonymous said...

LOL. At least they are taking it out on each other and not you. Isn't that what brothers are for? :-D

Anonymous said...

My mom made us do the same thing....hug each other after we were fighting. One time she made me and my brother hold hands for 5 minutes! Awhhhh LOL!!! I've done it a couple of times with my kids. They didn't like it as much as I didn't like it. :) HAHAHAHA