Friday, April 4, 2008


Mary Mayken is only a year and a half old but she's already figured out that it's them against us.

Yes...the kids vs. the parents.

I fussed at her for getting something that she shouldn't have had. She looked at me, dropped the item and ran to Shane and hugged him. Too funny.

Shane and Owen have already begun to figure this out. Shane more so than Owen but he's teaching Owen.

Like when they sneak candy. They'll get it and sneak it and eat it. Thinking that they're getting away with something. Well, they usually do but then I find the evidence.

Shane and Owen, you need to be smarter than to leave the wrappers under your bed or in your drawers or where you are at. See, they're lazier than they are sneaky.

But, I'm not going to tell them. They'll have to figure out for themselves to put it in the trash can and place something on top of it.

But, soon enough, I'll have to go through the trash to find the evidence. Because they'll figure out that trick.

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