Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

I know...I know. It's almost over. But, that's okay because I got the post in on time.

Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. It's something that our family thinks about every day. My kids will fuss at you if you dare throw away a can or a piece of paper.

We recycle everything that we can. We reuse when at all possible and we donate all usable items.

Shane did his science fair project on whether recycling made a difference or not. It does. I know. Shocking, right? He didn't win but he did learn something and that's what matters.

The landfill looking thing on the right was actually his graph showing how much would go into the landfill if you threw everything away versuses if you recycled. It was a pretty significant difference.

I'm constantly on the kids about cutting off the lights and not wasting electricity. We're still working on that one. But, if they don't start being better about it, they're going to walk into their bedrooms one day soon and find that there's no lightbulbs in their lamps.

The lesson will then be learned. Look for the future post. You can take that one to the bank.

Anyway, there have been a series of comic strips that I've been meaning to post. I think that this woman is living in my house. These will paint the picture better than any story that I could ever write.

Click the picture to enlarge.

I can relate to every single frame here. And, I am cute.

Happy Earth Day!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Learn it. Live it. Be it.


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